Beautiful background for windows. Windows wallpaper

7Fon is a service that helps you easily find beautiful wallpapers on your desktop background. Here we have collected more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each before adding to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource daily. And if we find a better copy of the picture, then we replace it. All this guarantees superior quality screensavers.

The convenience of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Color image search is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a particular color, click on the colored circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click "Search". As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color prevails. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for a screensaver on the desktop. We assign tags to each picture, which facilitates the search. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter in the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Screensaver size selection and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in its original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the cropping frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another of our tricks is editing photos using the online editor. To the left of the Download button, there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster hides. In its capabilities, it is very similar to photoshop - there will be fantasies where you can roam!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper on your phone. This is very convenient, because after finding a picture from a computer, and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a splash screen on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become irreplaceable for you when you decide to download wallpapers to your desktop!

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7Fon is a service that helps you easily find beautiful wallpapers on your desktop background. Here we have collected more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each before adding to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource daily. And if we find a better copy of the picture, then we replace it. All this guarantees superior quality screensavers.

The convenience of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Color image search is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a particular color, click on the colored circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click "Search". As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color prevails. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for a screensaver on the desktop. We assign tags to each picture, which facilitates the search. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter in the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Screensaver size selection and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in its original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the cropping frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another of our tricks is editing photos using the online editor. To the left of the Download button, there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster hides. In its capabilities, it is very similar to photoshop - there will be fantasies where you can roam!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper on your phone. This is very convenient, because after finding a picture from a computer, and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a splash screen on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become irreplaceable for you when you decide to download wallpapers to your desktop!

Want to download free Windows desktop wallpapers? Then choose from us any you like. The site features over 100,000 vibrant, stylish and beautiful images, and about 100 new ones are added every day. Here you are sure to find great pictures on the Windows desktop.

Quick search

It’s not difficult to choose a beautiful screensaver on 7Fon. And most importantly - you can find stylish Windows desktop backgrounds very quickly, in just a few minutes. After all, we have made the site as simple and convenient as possible. Thanks to this, you can download the screensaver to your Windows desktop in a few clicks.

See for yourself. The page contains the currently available Windows screensavers. All you have to do is browse through them and choose the ones you like the most, although you can choose the classic version of the Windows panorama. Initially, they are displayed in the order of relevance, i.e., new wallpapers come first. But you always have the opportunity to sort them by:

  • rating;
  • popularity;
  • color;
  • permission.

Thanks to this, you can quickly find beautiful free pictures on your Windows desktop.

You can also download free Windows wallpapers to your desktop, sorting them by color. When can this option come in handy? For example, if you want to download the Windows image to your desktop on a blue background. Or on red, black, green. That is, simply indicate the color that will be the main one in the image, and the system will select the most suitable options for you.

In addition, you can download wallpapers to the Windows desktop, indicating a specific resolution. This is very convenient, because in the end only those options that are suitable for your monitor (or laptop screen) will be displayed. Indeed, quite often it happens this way: they found a beautiful drawing, already decided to download it, and then it turned out that your permission was not. As a result, you have to either look for another option, or install what is (but in this case the wallpaper will look compressed or, conversely, stretched).

Finally, on 7Fon you can download a beautiful background for smartphones or tablets. To do this, just click on the “Pictures on Phone” button and specify the appropriate resolution. As a result, only options that are suitable for your mobile device will be displayed on the site.

Our advantages

In addition to a large selection of stylish screensavers, the site has other advantages. Firstly, it’s easy to view. Having opened any picture, you don’t need to go back, because there are 2 arrows on the page: “forward” and “back”. Thanks to this, you can quickly view the available options. Click the Open button here to view the full size image.

For owners of mobile devices, we offer a free application from 7Fon. Install it and choose the photo that you like best.

And we can edit any image. If you do not like its color or some elements, for example, to highlight mountains in the image of nature, open the editor and make adjustments online. You can add a frame, write text, adjust contrast or saturation, and even “age” the screen saver using the “Retro Filter”. All that remains is to save the changes and upload the image to a PC, laptop or smartphone.