Gear s4 watch. New smart watch Samsung Gear S4

The authoritative Internet resource PhoneArena has published its thoughts on the release date and price of smartwatches Samsung Gear S4 (Galaxy Watch). Just a few days ago they (EEC), and it also became known that they can (rebranding Android Wear) rather than Tizen OS like previous models.

Gear S4 release date

Rumors about this watch have been circulating on the Internet for a long time, and it is not surprising, since along with Google pixel and Apple Watch Series 4, Gear S4 is one of the most highly anticipated gadgets this year. If you recall the history of the release of previous models, they were shown at the IFA 2015 exhibition in Berlin on August 31. Exactly one year later, on August 31, 2016, they showed at the same exhibition.

In 2017, the S4 was not shown as many expected, but Samsung unveiled it instead. And, again, the presentation took place on August 31st. It is logical to assume that the Gear S4 may be presented at IFA 2018 on August 31, 2018, and will be on sale sometime in October.

If with the release date everything is more or less clear and understandable, then with the price everything is a little more complicated. Here, again, it is worth remembering the pricing of early models. The Gear S2 started at $ 299 for the sport version and $ 349 for the Classic. The next S3 came with a price tag of the classic 2015 model of $ 349. The Gear Sport started at $ 299, just like the Gear S2 Sport.

The Gear S4, or now the Galaxy Watch, will presumably come in two different versions - classic and sporty. Each of them will have two body sizes, and a version with LTE support and without it. None of these models will cost less than $ 349 per basic version, but, most likely, not much more expensive.


V Lately smartwatches are rapidly gaining popularity, and, according to statistics, today one in four wears them. Therefore, leading brands regularly present their new products with a wide range of functionality to the market.

Recently, smartwatches are rapidly gaining popularity, and, according to statistics, today one in four wears them. Therefore, leading brands regularly present their new products with a wide range of functionality to the market. In our review, we will take a look at the fourth update of the Gear S model, which is presented annually by Samsung. Its main competitors are such monsters as Apple (Apple), Huawei (Huawei), Garmin, Motorola, ASUS, Microsoft (Microsoft), Sony. But is the line really noteworthy?

Smart watches S4 were presented to the market two months earlier than Apple (Apple), and this is very important, because manufacturers compete not only in technical parameters of their technology, but also in audience coverage. So far, of course, "apple" is in the lead - the number of its fans reaches 14%, while Samsung is chosen by 5% of users.

Features of the model

Previous versions had quite good characteristics, but in some respects they could not equal the Apple Watch models. The manufacturer tried to take into account all the shortcomings, so the Gear S4 combined maximum amount flagship solutions and became more sporty.

The company has long planned to combine a smartphone and a fitness bracelet, and according to experts, in this version it was able to do it to the fullest.
The Samsung Gear S4 package leaves all possible opponents behind. Smart watches are equipped with a huge number of sensors that track the physical parameters of their wearer, including heart rate. This and many other things, such as determining the level of stress and water in the body, are provided by special sensors. Also " smart watch”Acquired water and dust protection, in which they caught up with“ apple ” Watch series 2, which can be immersed in water up to 50 m.It has also been updated software... Samsung has added a trainer function that is more accurate. The device now accurately detects the start of a workout.
But the most pleasant thing for the user was the decrease in the price of the device.

New design

The manufacturer used an idea that was successfully tested on the Galaxy S7 Edge - and the watch received a rounded case with curved edges. The function of tracking physical parameters is performed by a touch strap, for the manufacture of which Samsung received a patent.

It will also perform the function of a customizable control screen - application shortcuts are placed here, now access is much easier. As it became known, the smart watch will be equipped with another patented invention - an excellent camera with optical zoom.

According to employees of Samsung (Samsung) Electronics, the Gear S4 model will be an excellent replacement for all previously released smartwatches that have ever been released. But in order to intrigue users, all the features of the device do not open. They emphasize only that the watch is significantly superior to all early models and is equipped with a variety of biometric sensors. Users will have to discover the secrets themselves.

In this article, you will find out the most best smart watch 2017, and also find out their price and characteristics.

Several years ago, smartwatches were widely recognized in all markets by the will of many manufacturers who decided to use Android Wear software in their devices. But, as is often the case in modern technical history, it is Apple really fueled this industry, and in so doing, launched the first smartwatch model called the Apple Watch. Today, it seems like smartwatches are back in the spotlight, and with Android Wear 2.0 already announced in 2017, we're wondering what surprises might be lurking in the future and what smartwatches we need to look forward to in the future.

A wearable device is basically anything that has a sensor that can capture data and provide functional services to the wearer. The universe of wearables is growing and is limited only by the creativity of the industry. Today, we have smartwatches, fitness trackers, clothing, shoes, jewelry, implants, electronic tattoos, and more that we never dreamed of before.

The smartwatch connects via Bluetooth to the smartphone, which uses the app to identify certain custom actions using daily activity statistics or GPS tracking.

What can you expect from smart tech in 2017?

This year we will see a number of companies in the fashion industry focus on sports tech, as we see smartphone companies merging with the automotive industry, said Angela McIntyre, director of research at Gartner.

The smartwatch market has exploded in recent years and we are likely to see smartwatch models from fashion brands such as Michael Kors in 2017.

A 2016 survey by Gartner found that in the US alone, about 19% of people have a fitness tracker. As McIntyre emphasized, this shows the scale of the attractiveness of this type of gadget to consumers.

McIntyre also clarified that Smart»The watch is likely to have slow but steady growth in 2017 compared to 2016. However, this growth will directly depend on the style, reliability and willingness of major watch brands to invest in marketing campaigns that highlight Smart watches on their production line.

From January to March this year, we saw several important announcements in the field of smart technology, or rather smartwatches, such as LG Watch Style and LG Watch Sport, Huawei Watch 2, Connected Modular 46 from Tag Heuer, some Fossil hybrids, Michael Kors, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger and Casio. But what other releases can we expect in 2017? Now we will just talk about this.

Smart watch Xiaomi Mi Band 3 release date - June 2017

Xiaomi's Mi Band is almost a bestseller. The Chinese manufacturer has managed to bundle functionality at a fair price and conquer markets around the world, either through direct purchase on Xiaomi's website or through online purchases from third-party retailers.

Mi Band is used in conjunction with a smartphone, since the data recorded in the bracelet is available only through the application. The second generation, Mi Band 2, brought a novelty of basic information available on a small OLED display on the bracelet itself. We have not yet heard rumors about the third generation of Mi Band, but we certainly hope that Xiaomi will keep its simplicity and fair price.

Smart watch Samsung Gear Fit3 release date - June 2017

The Samsung Gear Fit2, unlike the Xiaomi Mi Band 2, brought with it many new features. The investment in the Tizen operating system has made this bracelet a success with all its features, however, the high price tag discourages some people from buying it. When it comes to smart technology, the market is still quite conservative, and many users will only invest in this gadget if they play sports in which this watch will be profitable.

By the way, according to a recent survey by Gartner, about a third of people who buy a fitness bracelet stop using the device after a few months, either because they no longer find the information offered by gadgets useful, or they just started using a smartphone for these purposes.

Smart watch Samsung Gear IconX 2 release date - June 2017

IconX is a Bluetooth headset that works as a device for tracking statistics and data, for example when doing fitness. It is worth noting that you should not evaluate the functionality and capabilities of the device using the first firmware that Samsung provides when you first turn on IconX. Therefore, it is necessary to check the functionality and capabilities of this headset only after updating the software to the current version.

Smart watch Samsung Gear S4 release date - September 2017

Samsung announced a new line of smartwatches running the Tizen operating system at IFA 2016. These include the Gear S3 Classic and Frontier models. They combine the smart features of the Gear S2 (2015) with the fitness features of the Gear Fit 2.

The next generation Samsung Gear is expected to be released in early September at IFA 2017.

Smart watch Apple Watch 3 release date - September 2017

The introduction of Apple's Smartwatch line has greatly influenced the popularization of smart technology. In 2015, Apple took over 50% of the smartwatch and smart technology market. From these numbers we get a clear idea of ​​the importance of Cupertino in the global market.

In September 2017, Apple is expected to announce its third the Apple generation Watch. We do not yet know if this will only be an upgrade of the current model, or the company will treat them in a completely new way. With the iPhone's launch history in mind, the first option is the most likely one.

So from this list, which smartwatch would you like to see in 2017?

Video: 2017 Apple Smartwatch Review

To the market. According to rumors, the new generation of wearable electronics from Samsung will not receive a redesign - the new product will resemble current models with minor modifications.

Appearance the upcoming gadget has remained virtually the same. This is the "fault" of the brand operating system Tizen, whose interface is optimized for the floor round display of the smart watch. It is unlikely that Samsung has remade the shell of its platform and created a device in a new form factor - at least, leaks and patents suggest otherwise. Above the display, a rotating bezel has been preserved, which is an integral element of interaction with Tizen. The Gear S4's OLED display is rumored to be limitless, similar to that of the Galaxy S9.

While the main characteristics of the watch have remained the same (protection from water and dust according to the IP68 standard remains, the heart rate sensor has not gone anywhere either), the filling has undergone a change: Samsung has installed an updated processor in the new generation of smart watches. Thanks to him, the autonomy and performance of the gadget have increased significantly. According to some rumors, battery life has increased not only due to the more energy efficient chipset, but also due to additional flexible batteries in the strap. However, the reliability of these leaks is rather doubtful.

Samsung is unlikely to introduce new software that will run exclusively on the Gear S4. Most likely, the South Korean company will modify the existing proprietary utilities... Smartwatches are still paired with iOS and Android, but their functionality differs depending on the connected device.

Rumor has it Samsung will unveil the Gear S4 at international exhibition IFA 2018, which will be held at the end of August 2018. The estimated price of the gadget is $ 400. It is possible that the South Korean giant will present several modifications of smartwatches.

In 2017, an analysis of the wearable electronics market showed a significant increase in sales. In particular, sales rose 25% on average. World manufacturers are releasing new devices with enviable regularity, and the South Korean brand Samsung is no exception. The main line is called Gear S. After the release of the third version of the device, it became clear that the company had seriously approached the creation and was able to present a really high-quality product that would be interesting for both buyers of smart electronics and those who just want to have nice watch, and smart functions will only be a pleasant addition. New watch news Samsung Galaxy Gear S4 began to appear immediately after the start of sales of S3, but there were no significant details about the device. Considering that in August 2018 IFA 2018 will be held, the main details about the product are likely to emerge at this time. As a rule, this platform becomes a place where new devices are shown for the first time and talk about their features.

Important! It should be emphasized right away that while there was no official presentation of the Samsung Galaxy Gear S4 watch, all information about them is just speculation and guesswork.

Most likely, the device, as before, will remain with a round display. The water and dust resistance, as well as the display coating, will clearly remain the same. The device will probably use a new processor from Samsung - Exynos 7 Dual. This new development... The chipset turned out to be powerful and low in power consumption, it is obvious that it will be very logical to use it in the new Samsung Gear C4 watch, because it will hardly be possible to put a very capacious battery in them.

A sports model was released between the S3 and S4, which did not receive LTE modem... The function, which is not in demand in Russia, appealed to foreign users, so it will remain. It is possible that the novelty will, as before, be released in several modifications for different regions and user tasks.

Another interesting solution might be the ability to charge the watch from a smartphone. It is known that the modern Type-C connector, which all top devices are equipped with, works in two directions, that is, it is more than realistic to charge the watch from a smartphone. And due to the large battery capacity in modern smartphones, this will not greatly affect the autonomy of the latter.

An interesting feature that may appear in the Samsung Gear S4 smartwatch is the EDGE display. The company is actively using this development in its top-end smartphones. Open information about the company's patents says that they have the ability to use it in watches. Most likely the scheme of work will be similar phone- notifications and fast access to the applications. Most likely, it will also remain swivel bezel for controls and buttons. The company has spent a lot of effort to bring this way of working with watches to a decent level, and it would be extremely illogical to abandon it now.

In smartphones S8 and S8 +, Samsung has implemented voice assistant Bixby which is sort of Apple's Siri answer. Given the fact that Siri has been running on the Apple Watch for a long time, Koreans likely won't want to lag behind their direct competitor. In addition, the previous version of the S Voice voice control is not the most thoughtful and working solution, although it has been actively improved.

Sales start and price

Given the fact that the official announcement of the Samsung Gear 4 will be in August 2018, the expected release date for the device is autumn of the same year... If we recall earlier experience, then after the presentation at the end of summer, the device appears on store shelves in November. Most likely, this will happen this time as well, the opportunity to buy a model by pre-order will appear a month earlier. This will allow the company to supply the required number of devices to all those who have expressed a desire to purchase them faster than others.

The expected price of the model is $ 390-400... Obviously, the watch will be more powerful than previous versions, which means that they will receive a higher price tag.