Where is the flash on iPhone 5. How to turn on the flash on iPhone when you get a call

Almost all modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with an LED flash, which is mainly used for photography and as a flashlight. In its turn Apple company I found another, no less interesting use for it. Starting with iPhone fourth generation, the flash can function as a flasher to visually signal a call.

Is this flasher necessary?

Initially, the idea of ​​​​using an LED in flickering mode was intended to help people with disabilities (hard of hearing) not to miss incoming calls and SMS notifications. But over time the situation changed. Today, many young people deliberately turn on the flashing lights, thus trying to attract the attention of others to their fashionable gadget. However, this method does not always have a positive effect. Some people may be irritated by such flickering, especially at night.

An LED flasher can help girls quickly find an iPhone in a bag among many different accessories. It's also worth noting that the flickering also applies to the alarm clock. This means that when the alarm goes off, in addition to the melody, frequent LED flashes will be visible in the room, provided that the iPhone is face down. To decide whether the flashing light is useful for you, you should turn it on for a few days on your iPhone. But keep in mind that this will drain your battery faster.

So how do you turn on flash flashing?

The procedure for turning on the LED flasher is extremely simple and can be completed in just a couple of minutes. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section and find the line called “Basic”. Then touch the specified line, after which a list with many sub-items will appear on the screen. Among them, you should find and click on the “Universal Access” item. Scrolling through the items in the newly opened section, you need to find and select the line called “Flash warnings”. After its activation, all incoming iPhone calls and messages will be accompanied by a melody with a bright optical effect.

iPhone developers under iOS control 10 additionally equipped it with another option – “Flash in silent mode”, which is also located in the “Universal Access” menu. To enable it, the user needs to perform two steps:

  • by moving your finger across the screen, turn on the switch located next to the option name;
  • Move the switch located at the end of the phone to the “Silent” position, in which its orange part will become visible.

After completing these steps, with each incoming call or SMS, the smartphone will vibrate and the LED will flash brightly.

Sometimes iPhone owners complain that for some reason the flashing light does not work immediately after enabling the option. In this case, you should restart the device and try to accept the call again. In this case, you need to keep in mind the following nuance. iPhone flashing periodically is only possible when its screen is turned off. If the device is not in standby mode (the screen is active), the LED will not blink.

How to disable

Disabling the LED flasher on an iPhone follows the same principle as turning it on. To turn off the flash during incoming SMS and calls, you should re-enter the “Universal Access” menu and move the switch on the screen to the inactive position.

By the way, not only owners can turn on the LED blinking function during incoming calls iPhone versions higher than iOS 5. It is also available in some other smartphones. In particular, activation of the flasher is available by default in devices MIUI firmware, and on a smartphone with Android OS you will have to install Flash application On Call.

Read also

LED flash when iPhone rings is used for the first time on 4th generation devices. Previous models could not boast of it. An accessory such as iFlash can be purchased separately if desired. Nowadays, all models of smart phones have an LED flash, which provides a sufficient amount of light when taking pictures.

How to turn on the flash for an incoming iPhone call?

To do this you only need to do three simple steps:

  1. Launch the Settings application, and then scroll through the list to go to the General section.
  2. Go to the “Universal Access” tab.
  3. Go to the “Hearing” section and here set “LED flash for alerts”.


Activation of LED flash for call alert is completed.

After these steps, the LED flash will give a notification during a call: in addition to the melody, the flashlight will start blinking. This addition will be especially useful for people with poor hearing.

This is a simple function, but at the same time it is quite well developed. The flash will also respond to incoming calls and will be activated when the alarm goes off. It's worth noting that the flash flickers when the phone is set to lock mode. But in the normal state there will be no warning light. As for the indication of a missed SMS message, it is only possible with a configured mention of unread message.

Please note that during a call the flash will consume additional energy. battery. So, after activating this feature, you shouldn’t be surprised if the iPhone will discharge much faster. Therefore, to save battery, it is best not to use it.

Not everyone knows that starting with iOS 5, Apple developers have added a feature for iPhone owners to automatically fire the flash when calls and notifications arrive.

This feature can be useful not only for people with hearing problems, but also for those who would like to receive visual alerts instead of audio ones.

How to turn on flash for incoming calls and notifications on iPhone with iOS 13

1. Open the application Settings and go to the section Universal access.

2. Select an item Audiovisual material.

3. Set the switch Flash warnings to position On.

4. If necessary, also activate the option Flash in silent mode. When this item is activated, the LED flash will light up only when the ringer switch on the side of the iPhone is in

After activating the function Flash warnings whenever you receive it iPhone incoming call or notification, the LED flash will begin to flicker.

If the function does not work (happens on older devices), reboot the device.

And most importantly, don't forget to make sure you place your phone face down if you want to see this feature in action.

How to turn on flash for incoming calls and notifications on iPhone with iOS 5 - iOS 12

1. Go to Settings and select a section Basic.

2. Scroll down and enter the menu Universal access.

3. Select a section Hearing and activate the switch Flash warnings.

Today I will tell you about some features of the flash mobile device iPhone. For the first time, an LED flash appeared in the 4th generation model - in the iPhone 4; previous models did not have a built-in flash, but those who wanted could purchase a separate flash accessory (called something like iFlash) and, connecting it to a 30-pin connector, use it. Starting with the 4th iPhone, Apple began to equip all subsequent phone models with a flash; now the LED is located on the back of the phone, near the camera, and its main task is to create sufficient lighting when shooting photos and videos. In addition to the main task, the flash also performs other useful features, which we will talk about today.

How to turn on the flashlight on iPhone

I won’t tell you how to turn on the flash on the iPhone when taking photos, I think I’ll run standard application"" you will figure out this simple task. With the advent of iPhones, a flashlight appeared that works using a flash. Button " Flashlight" is located in the widget " ". To be honest, I use this flashlight more often than flash when taking photos. You come home late, everyone is asleep, you take your iPhone out of your pocket, turn on the flashlight and wander around. Well, or if it’s dark in the entrance, it also helps. It's easy to turn on the flashlight on the iPhone - I wake up the phone Home button and from below I pull out the Control Center, in it I press the bottom left button with the image of a flashlight.

The standard iPhone flashlight uses a flash

The button is turned on and the flash starts working as a flashlight. In order to turn off the flashlight, you can repeat the same steps, but there is a faster one. secret way turning off the flashlight in the iPhone - after walking around the house with the flashlight on, the phone screen has time to lock (the screen lock time in my settings is 1 minute). To turn off the flashlight, I wake up my iPhone and press the trailing Camera button in the bottom right corner. After pressing, the screen jumps a little and the flashlight turns off; this method is one step faster than turning off the button in the Control Center.

In newer iOS firmware I turn off the flashlight in lock mode like this - I press the Home button and slightly pull the screen to the left, if I pull it hard, the camera will turn on there.

Turn on the flash for an iPhone call

IN iPhone settings there is another possibility to use iPhone flashes, the function is called - LED flashes for warning. Turning on this function, you will not only hear incoming call, but you will also see it with the help of flashlight flashes, this is the indication. I think this feature was designed for people with limited hearing. That is, if a person has difficulty hearing, then the flash on the iPhone call will help you see the incoming call in the flickering phone. Many users who do not have hearing problems also enable this function in their phones, this is done as follows:

Launch the standard “Settings” application and select the “General” section.

In “General”, select “Universal Access” and turn on LED flash for warnings. In new versions of iOS, the subsection is called Flash Alerts.

If you have figured out the flashes, then you can set your own melody for an incoming iPhone call -.

Now you will see the flashlight blinking when iPhone call, message or triggered . Warning flashes will only flash when the iPhone is in lock mode. In the unlocked state (not in hibernation), the warning flashes do not work. Indication of a missed message is possible only if you set up a reminder for a missed SMS.

A special light indicator notifies the user of incoming calls and SMS messages, on all iPhone phones absent. But every iPhone has an LED that can perform this function - anyone can set a flash on a call. If you make the necessary settings, the phone, which is working “without sound,” will begin to blink when an incoming call or SMS arrives.

Functions of enabled LED flashing

This feature can be found in the accessibility settings “Hearing”. It is called “LED”.

Purpose of the function

When a call is turned on, the LED flash blinks brightly and pulsates. If necessary, you can install subtitles and adjust the audio volume for the connected headset. The glow function was created specifically for people with hearing problems, but it is often used by other users. The visual notification looks beautiful and impressive, but does not distract from work or sports. This option also helps when a person is in complete darkness or in a noisy environment. Some users set a light signal as an alarm.

How to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone for all models?

This function is supported by devices with the latest iOS versions. Some users are thinking about how to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone. This can be done by adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First, you need to open “Settings” on the main screen of your device.
  2. Here you should click on the button labeled “Basic”, and then go to “Universal Access”.
  3. Scrolling down the page, you can go to the “Flash alerts” item - on some smartphones it is designated as “Flash in silent mode”.
  4. To activate the function, you need to move the slider from the “Off” position. to “On.”

The flash on the iPhone turned on in this way during incoming calls and text messages will flash three times. The backlight will also turn on when new messages and notifications appear in in social networks. If the indicator light does not turn on, to confirm specified settings The device should be rebooted by pressing the “Power” button on the top panel of the smartphone.

Flashing will only turn on if the phone screen has been locked top button turn off and the device is put into sleep mode. You can see such a light alert if the smartphone is lying face down. If the screen is lit, a notification will be displayed for incoming calls instead of the flashlight pulsating. This is done in order to save battery power. The visual indicator can be activated simultaneously with vibration and sound.

How to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone for silent mode?

The option to turn on light notifications in silent mode is available on iPhone devices with OS version 9. Users want to know what needs to be done to make the flash flash during a call, but the sound remains muted. Having installed given value By default, a person will only receive calls with flash in silent mode.

This can be done using the same scheme, but in this case you should additionally set the “Backlight in silent mode” value. For owners of devices with iOS 10 version, this function is not available - they can turn on the flashlight on the iPhone or turn it off regardless of whether the silent mode is working on the phone or not.

If the “visual” notification does not work, it may be due to technical problems. The contacts powering the LED may be damaged if dropped. You can check this by unlocking it on your smartphone screen hidden menu and clicking on the icon labeled “LED” to activate it. If the light is still off, there is damage to the device. They can be fixed at a service center.

How to turn off flash when iPhone rings?

Some people find the flashing flashing during a call annoying. You can make the flash inactive again when making a call on your iPhone in a few steps:

  • First you should open “Settings” and go to “General”;
  • under “Universal access” you need to find a column with the inscription “Hearing”;
  • The slider next to the line “LED flash for warning” must be moved to the left, setting the mode to “Off”.

After this, the flashlight on your iPhone will not turn on automatically when new notifications appear.

To turn the LED on and off on iPhone phones, you do not need to download any applications or additional device. The function is present in the smartphone and is activated by default by pressing the corresponding button. Settings on iPhones 5, 5S, 6, 6S are set the same. On devices running OS 8 and later, the glow only works with the sound turned off.