How to open File Explorer in windows 7. What is File Explorer and how do I use it? Through the context menu

Nowadays, almost everyone uses a computer every day. But a computer is just a machine that breaks down and malfunctions from time to time. Sometimes it happens that after loading Windows, users do not display the desktop or the bottom panel (tray). This can be caused by both a virus and trivial damage to a file due to an incorrect shutdown of the PC. To begin with, you should know that both the desktop and the tray are responsible for the built-in Windows OS. file manager- "Conductor". It is he who must be launched in order to see the familiar Start menu and windows with folders.

How to open Windows Explorer

Let's look at a few simple ways:

  • V command line go to the system drive, go to the Windows directory and run the "explorer.exe" file. For example: "C: \ Windows \ explorer.exe".
  • Launch the task manager and start the necessary process from it:
    • Press CTRL + ALT + DEL after loading.
    • Select Task Manager (or it will open itself when you press these keys, depending on the OS).
    • Click "New task" in it.
    • Enter "explorer.exe" - without quotes.
  • Start explorer from another shell (for example, Total commander). Just go to Windows folder and double-click on the "explorer.exe" file.
  • If this file disappeared from the PC, then you will need to copy it from the working computer with the corresponding OS to the USB flash drive, and then run it on the affected PC. If, after starting, "Explorer" requires additional files, just copy them too.

And finally, the easiest way to open File Explorer. If everything is fine with your computer, just double-click the left mouse button on the "My Computer" shortcut on your desktop.

It has a huge number of features that many users do not even know about. Moreover, even basic utilities remain unclaimed. One of system utilities, which few people understand how to use, is the Explorer. In this article, we will find out where Explorer is located in Windows and what it is for. Let's get started. Go!

Windows Explorer is a system utility.

Even before the appearance of the first Windows OS, all work was mainly done in the DOS system. It was very inconvenient to enter commands to call any operation or to open and edit a file. It was then that one of the first file managers appeared under the name Norton Commander. It had two main windows with a working area, it allowed managing the contents of the disks, but in the application it was necessary to move to the main line all the time to enter / exit a folder or section. Having drawn conclusions, Microsoft borrowed all the best from Norton Commander, adding new ideas, as a result, creating her own utility, which became familiar to all "Explorer".

In fact, Windows Explorer is a file manager that allows you to view the contents of disks, partitions, various media, and also manage it. Along with the emergence of newer Windows versions Explorer is also being improved with new functions and capabilities. So, the program has evolved to a means of solving various unusual operations. There was even an opportunity to make changes to the system settings.

The advantage of the utility is that it has a tree structure, which allows you to quickly find desired file or a folder on your computer. If someone used Total Commander, it is practically the same as Explorer. The interface of the utility practically does not change over the years, only new features and functions are added. For example, the latest versions can burn discs, which was not the case before, you had to resort to using special software.

Also with the help of Explorer it is convenient to find hidden by the system files and folders. Across context menu you can even customize appearance folders. There are many possibilities for quick and convenient search for a wide variety of criteria. Among other things, it is possible to send emails, of course, only if configured mail client... Explorer is located in the Windows root directory on drive C (if the system is installed on it). The program is launched through an executable file called explorer.exe.

How can you use such a useful utility? There are several ways to invoke File Explorer. If you have one of the latest versions Windows, click right click mouse on the "Start" menu and select the appropriate item from the menu that opens. Another way is to open the "Run" window using the key combination Win + R, and then enter the command (without quotes) "explorer.exe". The easiest option is to use the hotkeys Win + E. This will save you much more time.

Now you know where you can find Windows Explorer and why you need it in general. As you can see, the program is very useful, it can solve many different problems. Write in the comments if the article helped you figure it out, tell other users which file managers you prefer to use yourself, and ask if you have any questions on the topic.


Many Windows users are familiar with disabling Explorer: all shortcuts disappear from the desktop, the Start button and the taskbar bar disappear. The user sees only the background image of the desktop and the window open at the time of the program crash. To get the computer out of this state, you need to understand the cause of the situation and know how to fix it.

The immediate cause of the above situation is the termination of the explorer process explorer.exe. Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del and see the list of processes. Among them are explorer.exe. If you complete this process, Explorer will shut down and no access to your desktop, files, and folders.

It is very easy to restore the Explorer process. Open the task manager, select "File" - "New task (Run)" from the menu. In the window that opens, enter explorer.exe and click OK. Explorer will start, and within a few seconds, the computer will be fully restored. You will not even lose the data opened at the time of the program crash.

Since Explorer is the main tool for interacting with a computer, many users try to improve it in one way or another. For example, you can use the QT Tab Bar program to add new capabilities to Explorer. You can read more about this program here:

When you open a drive or folder, you are working with Explorer. It can also be called through the "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Explorer". When opened in this way, the program always shows the contents of the "My Documents" folder, which is not always convenient. But you can change the settings of the explorer so that it all drives. After placing an explorer shortcut on your desktop, you get a conveniently configured tool for working with files and folders.

To carry out this revision, open: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories". Then click on the "Explorer" item with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item in the context menu. A window will open, you need a line "Object" with the text% SystemRoot% explorer.exe. Replace the line text with% SystemRoot% explorer.exe / n, / e, / select, C: and save your changes. Note that the C drive is listed at the end of the line, which is the first drive on most computers.

Now open the task manager and end the explorer.exe process. Run it again as described at the beginning of the article. Open Start - All Programs - Accessories - File Explorer again. You will see a handy list of your computer's drives. If necessary, create a shortcut on the desktop: open "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" again, select "Explorer" with the right mouse button and select "Create shortcut". Then drag the "File Explorer (2)" that appears on the desktop and correct its name, if desired.

Actions with folders and files are performed through windows explorer 7, which allows you to open files and directories, copy, move, delete, rename and other important operations. Below are described methods on how to open Explorer in a computer with Windows 7, as well as solutions to problems when Explorer spontaneously restarts in Windows 7, with specific recommendations on what to do in this case.

How do I open it from the start menu?

To start the explorer in Windows 7, you need to perform the following several sequential steps:

Launch using the desktop icon

This requires only one step:

Through the context menu

In Windows 7, the operation can also be performed using the right mouse button:

  1. Launch the context menu from the "Start" button;
  2. Then click on "Explorer".

Key combination

This is one of the most quick methods launch. You just need to remember that for this you need to hold down the "Win" button and click on "E".

After this action, an explorer window will instantly pop up on the desktop.

Special team

The algorithm of actions of this method is also not distinguished by significant complexity and consists of only a few stages:

Troubleshoot restart problems

Unfortunately, restarting the explorer is within the power not only of the computer owner himself, but also, for example, a virus or incorrect entry in the registry. Also, the reasons for frequent restarting may be applications that are incompatible with the OS, and incorrectly installed versions PC accessories drivers.

Basically, the complexity of the task lies in the user's ignorance of the true cause of the problems, therefore it is recommended to follow the recommendations below in their strict sequence.

Note: after the execution of each step of the instruction, restart the PC and check the operation of the explorer. If the error has not been eliminated yet, then proceed to the next stage.

It is required to perform the following sequential steps of action:

Then click "Enter". In the window that appears, go to the "Services" tab and check the box "Do not display Microsoft services". Then click "Disable All";

In the case when, after restarting the PC, the explorer is already functioning normally, then it is possible to conclude that one of the disabled services will fail. It is necessary to sequentially reactivate them and restart the computer (this the only way identify the culprit of the error).


After completing the above steps, in most cases the error disappears, but if all actions were unsuccessful, then you will have to resort to the following measures:

  1. Install fresh software for a video accelerator;
  2. Sequentially uninstall the programs installed on the PC, starting with the one that was installed most recently;
  3. Use function Windows recovery 7 and roll it back;
  4. Reinstall OS.

We took a quick look at the Windows file organization. Now let's get acquainted with the management tool file system - Windows Explorer.

Windows Explorer is a file manager built into the Windows system... It is loaded automatically during the installation of the operating system. To start it, you need to do the following:

  • left-click the " Start"in the lower right corner of the Desktop;
  • in the menu that appears, hover over the option " All programs", a menu with installed programs on your computer (initially there will be much less of them than in the picture);
  • hover over the item " Standard";
  • in the menu that appears, left-click on the item " Conductor";
  • in front of you will appear start page Windows Explorer.

By default, the folder " My documents":

The explorer window consists of the following parts:

I think it won't be difficult to figure out how Explorer works. The developers tried to make everything as clear and visual as possible. Let's see what is included in the information field of our computer. To do this, left-click the "Folders" button in the toolbar, and then click the "My Computer" link in the left window:

At the very top of the window there are folders in which, by default, documents created by the user are saved (first of all, this applies to documents created by Microsoft help Office).

Below is a list of logical hard drives that are present on the computer. Formatting hard disk is performed at the stage of installing the operating system, as a rule, two logical drives are created: C and D. In this case, drive C is called system disk for the simple reason that it is installed on it operating system... To view information about logical drive, you need to click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item in the context menu.

Below is a list of connected removable disks: floppy drives (outdated); card reader for connecting removable flash drives; CD drive; if a removable USB flash drive is installed in the computer, it is also displayed. In short, it displays EVERYTHING connected to the computer in this moment information carriers.

You can get from the "My Documents" window to the "My Computer" window in another way - using Address bar ... To do this, do the following:

  1. Click the far left green arrow with the inscription "Back" on the Navigation Panel, and you will again be taken to the previous window "My Documents";
  2. In the Address line, left-click on the small arrow located at the right edge of the line;
  3. In the list that appears, select "My Computer".