Ems mmso what. On the places of international postal exchange, which are objects of postal communication, on the territory of the Russian Federation

In this topic, it is forbidden to unreasonably complain about the lack of movement of parcels (for two days now as at customs, etc.), report the current status of your shipments (and I left MMPO, etc.), discard copy-paste from tracking in any form, try to share this nonsense, supposedly for someone's "statistics", as well as post any information in the form of complaints, crying, messages about impatience, grief and other nonsense. All such posts will be deleted, and the hosts will receive mustard plasters and bans for flooding and littering the forum.
Place ALL such messages ONLY in special garbage threads about dates and tracks attached to the "Sandbox".

Here is the information from the network:
I'm waiting for a package from Japan on December 2 - everything went well, and the import was more or less fast, and customs passed in 1 day, and then the last line appeared on the track
Transferred to customs 11.12.2010 02: 34104010 MOSCOW EMS
Processing11.12.2010 17: 05104010 MOSCOW EMS Left the place of international exchange
Processing11.12.2010 22: 06130980 MOSCOW EMS MMPO Sorting

At first I thought that this was the usual sorting, let's call EMS with questions when they will bring it, and they tell me "and your parcel is back at customs, it was sent for re-examination." For 4 days I listened to this, and yesterday I decided to call the phone listed on the EMS website "Information on customs clearance, delay or release of shipments by customs 988-68-58 ext. 61-25", where a very polite girl explained to me that the parcel was 100 % not at customs, she left there on the 11th at 2 am, after which she was mistakenly sent to MMPO at Sheremetyevo, and according to her information this "problem" should be solved on 15.12, so "wait for it to appear on Vernadsky." I also called the Russian Post on tel. 956-20-67 ext. 1495 (also customs clearance) and ext. 2022 (this is a sorting shop, they sent me there from customs clearance), they confirmed that for some reason the parcel was sent to Sheremetyevo, but should return to the SC. Nobody knows how to call Sheremetyevo - they say this new terminal has just opened.
In the call center they still say that the parcel is at customs, and after telling what I managed to find out, they said "well, write to the wanted list"

Judging by Google, a similar problem began to occur in people just starting from 11.12, but not often, and I have not yet seen anyone report that they received such a package in Moscow.
I wrote a couple of complaints / requests for the search in EMS, the Russian post office, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Tell me, in your practice, how quickly are they considered?
Maybe someone has MMPO contacts at Sheremetyevo?
Well, in general, say something encouraging, otherwise I'm worried that the package has disappeared with ends

PS: for statistics: Priority export 4.12, import 13.12, left MMPO on 16.12.
Simple post from Hong Kong export 8.12, import 15.12, customs 17.12
EMS from New Zealand export 7.12, import 15.12.

Typically mine mailing too
hanging in
Processing 12/29/2010 08:13 130980 Moscow EMS MMPO Sorting
And silence.
Who faced what is this index 130980 ? And who got any software stuck on this "sorting"?

Added after 1 hour 36 minutes 49 seconds:

Although, maybe this is due to the so-called. "collapse" ???? freezing rain, world conspiracy, masons, etc.?

After sending a parcel, it sometimes seems like an eternity passes before it reaches the addressee. What is MMPO? This is one of the many statuses of the parcel being in transit. When tracking a parcel, which, fortunately, is now possible to produce, sometimes incomprehensible statuses will be displayed on different sites and in applications. This is what they mean, and you need to find out.

Mail statuses

When a parcel is sent to Russia from abroad or from Russia abroad, it is moved at many points. One of the starting points for the movement of a sent parcel from Russia is MMPO in Moscow. The movement of the parcel ends with the arrival at the place of delivery and delivery to the addressee. Various statuses have their own decoding, but let's dwell on MMPO.

What is MMPO?

This abbreviation stands for "place of international postal exchange". What is MMPO? This is the place where the parcel is prepared for dispatch from the country from which it is being sent. At MMPO, the parcel goes through "its" customs. It is at MMPO that the so-called dispatch is created, which will allow the recipient to receive the parcel in his country. A dispatch is a series of packages grouped together. It is created for convenience.

MMPO in Moscow

There are several MMPOs in the city of Moscow:

  1. Moscow MMPO. This is the place of international postal exchange, located at the address: Varshavskoe shosse, house 37. The index of this MMPO is 104000.
  2. Moscow - Domodedovo AOPP. This is MMPO, located at the Domodedovo airport in the Moscow region (Domodedovsky district). The index of this MMPO is 142015.
  3. MMPO Moscow - Vnukovo AOPP. It is also a place of international postal exchange, located in the city of Moscow at the following address: st. 2nd Reisovaya, building 2a. MMPO Vnukovo index - 102300.
  4. Moscow - Sheremetyevo AOPP. MMPO Sheremetyevo has the address: Moscow, Sheremetyevo-1. The index of this place is 141400.
  5. Sheremetyevo - Airport EMS SC. The location of this point is Moscow, Sheremetyevo-1. The index is also 141400. Unlike Moscow - Sheremetyevo AOPP, it is a sorting center.

How to track a parcel on the territory of Russia?

It is not difficult to track the parcel across the territory of Russia. To do this, you need to know the tracking number of the parcel. It is issued by mail. With the track number, you can go online and find sites that track mail.

Thus, the parcel can be tracked even without registration. Registration provides some advantages. For example, you can receive SMS notifications or download the program to your smartphone, which will allow you not to think about how the package is moving, and not to watch its route on the Internet every day. For example, after sending a parcel from Moscow to another country, the parcel may end up in Vnukovo. This MMPO has workshop 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Even to such trifles, you can track the parcel.

We track the parcel on the territory of another country

When the parcel crosses the Russian border, its location can be tracked using the appropriate programs. These programs work in a similar way to how mail is tracked in Russia.

For example, if the parcel is sent to Kazakhstan, after crossing the border, you can go to the website of the Kazakh post office and track it. In the CIS countries, mostly sites have a Russian-language counterpart, so there should be no language problem.

As for the far abroad, even in this case, smart Russian-speaking programmers have created and launched on the Internet sites with online programs that allow tracking a parcel in Russian. Finding them is easy - just enter your query into the search bar search engine like Google, Yandex, etc.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues in misfortune. Damn it pulled me to contact EMS. Package - EX013604583SG. It took 5 days to reach Singapore via China. thanks this service about intermediary information, mine in China was 4px. On November 15, the parcel was sent from China, on November 20 it reached Singapore, on November 26, 2015, it arrived in the territory of the Russian Federation, registered. Then something interesting began. 12/01/15 the following information on the track "Passed registration". Then there was an intermediate status - "Sent to customs". The next day, the track rolled back to the "Registration passed" status. I call EMS Russian Post with the question "How, so"? The girl on the phone assured me that the parcel was sent to customs, at least according to their base, this is exactly the status. Okay, after five days the status hasn't changed. I'm calling EMS again. What they say to me is probably detained by customs, for whatever reason they do not know. He began to torment the customs, they answered that EMS was responsible for the shipment. They have no information. I wondered why the package (tablet) could be cut by customs. Faced the concept of "notification". Who cares can google it himself. But one thing I can say is that I have not seen a more idiotic service, like a search for notifying my tablet. Further, omitting all the details of calls to EMS and the customs information office, (by the way, I really liked communicating with a specialist - a woman who answered the phone at customs - very competent, polite, patient) I waited for the end of 10 working days, during which the parcel could be detained at customs and then called EMS. Again, some doll answered, said in general that she knew nothing, but she advised me to contact the seller so that he would start searching for the parcel. I was stunned, I began to explain to her that on the territory of the Russian Federation EMS Russian Post is responsible for sending, but she did not understand me. In general, he spat, wrote a complaint to Roskomnadzor, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, filed for wanted list. In my opinion, another failure occurred in the work of EMS, like a failure at the Russian Post in 2013. The problem is that shipments even within the Russian Federation, incl. and urgent letters are not delivered on time or are lost. Complaints about the operator's work on the site - http://www.edost.ru/voite.php?c=2 read like a detective story. My term of defense has come to an end, I opened a dispute. And a lot of money was paid for the tablet. What I mean by all this - write more complaints and to different authorities. Maybe again the leadership will be chased by a filthy broom well, or at least something will budge. Yes, the answer to their appeals to the state. I haven’t received the organs yet, the deadline hasn’t come yet. Who has a positive experience of dealing with EMS in November-December 2015, please share how you can scratch your parcel.