How to keep your data safe and private online

Do you want to keep your data safe on the Internet? It's very simple, just follow simple rules. So, everything in order:

  • Create strong passwords. No " qwerty" and " 123456 ". Use good passwords using upper and lower case letters and numbers. If you wish, you can add a special character to the password, if the site allows it.
  • Security question and other methods of password recovery. Pay special attention to password recovery methods. In particular, use a question that only you know the answer to as a checklist. For example, users often use "Mother's maiden name?" As a security question. Consider that someone else might know your mother's maiden name. If the site suggests using additional password recovery tools, use. This can be an additional address, or an additional mobile phone number.

And now a little about privacy. You don't have to be an experienced hacker to find information about someone on the Internet. Indeed, most often the Internet users themselves or their relatives, friends, acquaintances post confidential data on the network. These are mentions on various sites, on social networks, open profiles of social networks, questionnaires with detailed user data - all this greatly reduces the confidentiality of your personal data.

So, how to keep your personal information private on the Internet.

  • Hide your social media profiles. So information about you cannot be found through a search on a social network and through a search engine. Also, do not post personal data about yourself on the sites. Age information - your personal data. Don't put your real age on websites. You are simply disclosing personal information about yourself once again.
  • Do not provide personal information about yourself on all sites in a row. Your data may end up in spam databases, or simply information about you will be posted on the Internet in the public domain. Do not trust personal data about yourself to all sites in a row.
  • Use a separate email address for registration on sites. Very often, web resources ask you to enter your email address and follow the link in the letter to activate the address. It is highly unwise to use your primary address as your registration address. It is not a fact that in the future the site on which you register will not sell the database to anyone, including with your e-mail.
  • Learn to use fictitious personalities to register on questionable sites. Do not rush to fill in all the fields with information about you with real data at once. Come up with a fictitious person and fill out a questionnaire with fictitious information. Of course, this advice does not apply to payment system sites.

You can independently find out what data about you is already on the Internet. Just try to type your data in the search engine: name, e-mail, phone number,