Free download the Partition Manager 12 program for working with HDD

But why resize and create new logical partitions on the hard disk? The fact is that if all data is stored on the system partition, then when problems arise with the operating system, virus infection, etc. a situation is possible when it will be necessary. Reinstallation may require formatting the system partition, and this will inevitably destroy all (!) Data on it. That is why it is important to store the necessary data not on the system partition, but, for example, on a disk ‘ D‘.

Modern hard drives have a volume of more than one or two terabytes. On such disks, it is desirable to have at least two logical partitions for storing data.

One section is given for the needs of the operating system for installing software products. The size of the system partition with the Windows operating system must be at least 50-80 GB. The rest of the disk space is given for the needs of user data: storage of video files, music, photos, etc. ... If you are an avid gamer, you can create another separate logical section for games. However, each user decides for himself how to use the free disk space.

The disk utility is great for creating logical partitions and editing them (deleting, resizing, etc.) Partition Manager... Unfortunately, the utility is paid, but its functionality and quality of work is rightfully considered one of the best of its kind. The utility has a clear and friendly interface.

To create a new logical partition, you must select the logical disk from which the part will be separated. Then click on the Partition menu item ( Resize / Move). The size of the new logical disk should be specified. Then the disk map will change, and a new unallocated area will appear.

Now select the unmarked area and in the Partition menu select the item ( Create). The wizard will ask you to specify the letter of the new partition, its file system (choose NTFS) and the type of partition Logical Partition... The rest of the parameters can be left as default. After the performed actions, you should see a new logical partition on the disk map.

Now all that remains is to confirm all changes by pressing the button ( Apply) and restart your computer. It is worth knowing here that until you clicked ( Apply), that is, (apply), all changes will not take effect. When the computer restarts, Partition Manager will automatically start modifying partitions. The process of creating a new partition takes a long time and cannot be interrupted. Any power surges or power outages can lead to disk space redistribution problems. This is fraught with errors and malfunctions in the operating system and the hard drive itself, it may be required.

To resize a partition, just run the wizard ( Resize Partition) and then follow the wizard's prompts. You will need to specify the size, which partition should be changed, specify the desired partition size, specify the hard disk partition from which free space will be taken.

After all, you will see a map of the disk before and after the proposed changes. If something does not suit you at this stage, you can easily go back and adjust the parameters. Then press ( Finish) and confirm execution by pressing the button ( Apply). Usually resizing a logical disk does not require a reboot, but the process is also quite lengthy. While the program is running, do not turn off the computer, as this can lead to errors and even loss of data.

As you can see, editing hard disk partitions is quite simple. However, you should still not resize partitions frequently, as the risk of losing some of the data from factors beyond your control still remains. Try to use the Partition Manager utility as little as possible, only when you really need it.