Can I roll back 9.3 1. How to roll back the IOS version on iPhone, iPad

On iPhone and iPad, it is possible to downgrade to a previous version of the OS. Traditionally, after the release of each new edition of the proprietary "axis", Apple leaves such an opportunity for a short while. A day after the release of the cumulative update, the company is still issuing certificates for iOS 9.2.1.

Released on March 21, iOS 9.3 is a major software release with a long list of changes. The main innovation is support for the Night Shift mode, which automatically shifts color temperature display to the warm end of the spectrum. Research has shown that the bright blue color in the evening can affect a person's circadian rhythms, making it harder to fall asleep. Other innovations include password-protected Notes, an improved version of the Apple News app, and an updated CarPlay interface.

Based on benchmarks, iOS 9.3 performs better than iOS 9.2.1 when it comes to performance. Nevertheless, some users complain about the accelerated discharge of the battery of their devices and problems with the activation of gadgets. In such cases, it makes sense to use the instructions for downgrading to the previous OS version. Another reason why a user might decide to downgrade is jailbreak. According to preliminary information, the upcoming exploit will not be available for the latest version of the OS, at least for the first time.

Note that we are talking about refunds only on iOS 9.2.1 - Apple still issues digital certificates for it. The situation can change at any time.


  • iPhone or iPad under iOS control 9.3.
  • IOS 9.2.1 IPSW file.
  • iTunes 12.3.3 for Mac or Windows.

How to rollback from iOS 9.3 to iOS 9.2.1:

Step 1: Download the iOS 9.2.1 file from Apple servers at this link.

Step 2: Make sure you have iTunes 12.3.3 installed. You can download the latest version on this page.

Step 3: Create backup data. This can be done in the iPhone or iPad settings: iCloud -> Backup-> Create a backup, or connect your mobile device to your computer and save the backup using iTunes.

Step 4: Turn off Touch ID / Password in Basic settings.

Step 5: At this step, you need to disable Find My iPhone. The option is in the Settings -> iCloud menu.

Step 6: Connect iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 9.3 to your PC.

Step 7: Open iTunes and select the icon of your gadget in the top bar of the program.

Step 8: Hold down Shift (or Alt on OS X) and click the "Restore" button.

Step 9: In the program window, specify the iOS 9.2.1 firmware file that you downloaded in step 1.

Step 10: Wait until the procedure is completed, the OS recovery process will take some time. You can now use your device with iOS 9.2.1.

Don't like iOS 11? Why was it updated then? ... Although this release is really specific. Not everyone will come right away. Every year Apple introduces new versions of iOS with supposedly improved features and improved optimizations, but in fact, for the past couple of years, we have been “rubbed in some kind of game” full of bugs and flaws.

We, in turn, find ourselves in the place of "guinea pigs" who must identify weaknesses and point out them to Apple for further correction. So what was the recent release of the nightmarish iOS 9, when users around the world began to complain that theirs.

Basically, a similar situation was with the release of iOS 8 ... and 7 too. So, if something strange happens to your iPhone after the update, it is not too late to roll back to the previous one iOS version ... Today I will tell you how to do it.

Nuances of the update

But first, I would like to mention a couple of nuances associated with iOS firmware that you simply must know... As you already know, the update for more new firmware passes quite intuitively by pressing one button in the Phone Settings or in iTunes on the computer.

If you want to return to a non-previous version of iOS, you must first download the firmware file with the ipsw extension from the Internet yourself, and then install it by connecting the phone to the computer.

If you suddenly decide that you can now install any old firmware, I will have to upset you. See how the situation stands. During the installation of any version of iOS, your device contacts the Apple server for a digital signature.

If the server sees on your device a version of iOS that is no longer supported, it will not sign it and the installation will end with an error. If you do not understand, I will explain with an example: if you have just installed iOS 9.0, then now you can only return to 8.4.1 and that is not a fact. With the release of new versions of iOS, Apple stops signing older versions.

The maximum is “you can take one step back”. At the time of this writing, the only current firmware for all devices starting with the iPhone 4S is 9.0.2.

How to find out which versions of iOS are relevant today? Very simple! Go to and click on the model of your device.

How to downgrade to a previous version of iOS

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

STEP 1 - Download the firmware file with the extension .ipsw from the link above:

STEP 2 - Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes

STEP 3 - If possible,

STEP 4 - B Settings iPhone disable features: Find iPhone and Touch ID / Password

STEP 5 - Connect iPhone to computer while USB help cable and launch iTunes

STEP 6 - Click on your device icon in the left upper corner window

STEP 7 - While holding the Shift ( Option / Alt on MAC), click on the Update button in the iTunes window

STEP 8 - In the window that opens, find the previously downloaded firmware file (with the ipsw extension) and confirm with OK

Again, there is nothing complicated in this instruction. I hope reverting to a previous version of iOS has solved your problem. Be sure to track next updates iOS, as often the first major update of the current firmware removes most of the bugs.

I do not advise anyone to update to a new iOS firmware in the first days after the official release. As for me, it is better to wait a couple of weeks than to be among the “lucky ones” whose phones have turned into bricks.

Developers from Apple new versions are published quite often operating system... But the updated version will not always be better than the previous iOS. Fortunately, if you want to rollback more early version, this is not so difficult to do.

In updates, developers change the operation of some applications, optimize programs and fix bugs. But it happens that new opportunities are not to your liking, while the old ones are no longer available. And the occurrence of errors in the updated version is also possible, and a lot of time will pass before they are fixed. It is in these situations that rolling back to a previous version of iOS can come in handy.

There can be many reasons for downgrading to a previous version of iOS

The easiest way to rollback to old version- official. But it has a number of limitations. Officially, you can "roll back" only to the previous version of the system and only for a short time after the release of the update. Then the developers block the rollback, and users have to look for other ways.

Preparatory steps before downgrading to an earlier version of iOS

Before proceeding directly to the rollback process, you must perform preparatory actions... This requires:

  • create a backup copy of files - so as not to lose data stored on your device;
  • select and download the firmware - it is very important that the firmware is downloaded from a reliable source and does not contain any errors;
  • disable Find iPhone.


There are two ways to copy data from Apple devices: This is an iCloud backup or data copy using iTunes.

Copying data using iCloud

After the process of transferring data to iCloud is completed, it will be contained in cloud storage... To copy, do the following:

After that, the backup will be created. In order to avoid having to repeat manual steps on a regular basis, you can set up the entire process automatically. However, there is no need to do this to create a copy before rolling back to the previous version.

Copying data using iTunes

To create a backup using iTunes, you need to install a media player on your computer. After that, do the following:

You can get one of the latest firmware versions for your device from third-party sites. Study the reviews ahead of time to make sure the site is trustworthy. Most likely, during the download process, you will be asked to indicate which Apple device you are using, to clarify the model, and then select the suggested version from the list. After downloading the version you need, be sure to remember where you downloaded the file. You will need it later.

Disable Find My iPhone

If you have done everything correctly, you will receive a message in your mail notifying you about turning off the "Find iPhone" option on your device.

Reverting to a previous version of the operating system

Firmware rollback is a safe feature and you can restore your device to its previous state anyway. Nevertheless, you still act at your own peril and risk. Be careful and then you won't have any problems.

To rollback follow these steps:

This is how you can go back to one of the previous versions of iOS. But can you choose the older version? No, you will not be allowed to download it from the site. Even if you find it in third-party sources, the correct installation will not be performed. These are restrictions from Apple, and nothing can be solved in an official way.

Officially you can downgrade iOS devices to one of the previous

Rollback the iOS version using a special program

Besides being able to revert to a previous version using iTunes, there is another way. You can rollback your device with special program... For example, a program called RedShow does this job well. But the following is worth noting:

  • this method is much more complicated and may require you to install a jailbreak (unless, of course, you have installed it earlier);
  • if you want to rollback not only to the previous version, but also to the earlier ones, you will need the SHSH certificate from the old version. Saving occurs automatically if jailbreak is made. Alternatively, you can save the data manually after each update using the TinyUmbrella program;
  • rollback is not available for all devices. IPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G are ideal, and rollback to iPad 2 is also available. Until recently, this feature was not available on other devices, but now the developers have added support for several more phones.

The rollback process itself using this program is done as follows:

  1. Download the program.
  2. Move your device to DFU mode... This mode is specifically for updating. You can call it by pressing simultaneously Power keys and Home on the switched off device. Then, after ten seconds, you must release Power button but keep holding Home. The device will be put into the desired mode.
    Hold Home buttons and Power then release Power
  3. Wait for the Redshow program to see your device.
  4. Click the Extra button, select Even more and then click Restore. You will see the IPSW button, which must also be pressed. Click the Restore button to select the firmware file
  5. Specify the path to the firmware file (this is the IPSW file). If you need to find an older version, try searching for the firmware for your device on the Internet at one of the many specialized forums.
  6. Wait for paths to be created and processed the specified file firmware. After that, you will be asked for the SHSH certificate. As mentioned above, you can download it from your jailbreak (click Cydia) or select a previously saved file from your computer (local button).
    Wait until the end of processing the firmware file
  7. Wait for the firmware rollback to finish. If the program displays a problem message, try putting the device into DFU mode again.
    If everything went well, the following message will appear on the screen.

Rollback apps on iOS

We figured out the rollback of the operating system. But what if you need to rollback one of installed applications? After all, there are unsuccessful updates there. There is an official Charles Proxy tool for this. It allows you to access older versions of apps or games on your iPhone or iPad. This program is not very easy to use, so this is a topic for a separate article.

You can rollback apps on iOS to one of the previous versions

Video: downgrade iOS from any version to an older version

Most users will be satisfied with the possibility of an official return to one of the latest versions of the device. The main thing is that this version is still supported by Apple. If you need to downgrade to an earlier version, you can use one of the unofficial methods. In any case, now, when installing an unsuccessful update, you know how to proceed.

Everyone has it Android updates and iOS has its advantages. However, it sometimes happens that a fresh version of the system has some critical flaws that are not corrected by the developer for a long time. Or, a situation may arise when a new update just terribly loads the mobile device and slows down. One of these unsuccessful updates was iOS 9.3.5. And everything would be fine, come out a new version, which would correct the existing shortcomings, but this update was the last for a number of devices based on the A5 processor, and more specifically:

  • iPad 2.

  • iPad 3 (iPad with Retina display).

  • iPad mini (1st generation).

  • iPhone 4s.

  • iPod touch 5.

The first thing we need to do is use an exploit that will allow us to get a jailbreak. The list of devices on which it turns out to be used is as follows:

  • iPhone 4s.

  • iPhone 5.

  • iPhone 5c.

  • iPad 2.

  • iPad 3.

  • iPad 4.

  • iPad mini 1.

How to Jailbreak

  • 1. Download

  • 2. Download

  • 3. We connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer using a cable.
  • 4. Launch Cydia Impactor and drag the ipa file into the program window.

  • 5. When prompted, enters your Apple data ID in the pop-up window.

  • 6. Go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Device Management" on the mobile device, select the Phoenix certificate and press the "Trust" button twice.

  • 7. Return to the home screen and launch the Phoenix application. We agree to the offer to receive push notifications. Uncheck Phoenix at the bottom and click on the circle.

  • 8. Lock the screen mobile device and after a few seconds you will see a message about the successful hacking of the system.

  • 9. Unlock your smartphone or tablet and open Phoenix again. You will see an animation indicating that Cydia is being prepared to install. Wait for the device to restart, after which the Cydia app store will be installed.

  • 10. It is worth clarifying that after each reboot you will have to repeat steps 7-9.

How to downgrade to iOS 8.4.1?

  • Open the Cydia store and search for "Filza File Manager".

  • We launch this file manager.
  • We go to the address / System / Library / CoreServices

  • We are looking for the SystemVersion.plist file

  • Editing Version (9.3.5) and Build (13G36) to Version (6.1.3) and Build (10B329), respectively.

  • We save and reboot the device (simultaneously hold down the power button together with the Home key and hold it until the loading screen with an apple appears).

  • We go into the settings and check the version of the system. If we see the values ​​that we assigned, then everything went well.

  • Go to the "Software Update" section and download the update to iOS 8.4.1

  • After the update, you need to do full reset through the item "Erase all content and settings"

It is possible to rollback to a previous version of the operating system. Apple traditionally leaves such an opportunity for a short time after the release of each new OS. A day after the update was released, the company is still issuing certificates for iOS 8.4.1.

Released September 16 iOS update 9 is a major software release with a long list of changes and improvements. Nevertheless, many iPhone and iPad owners report problems with their devices. Failures began at the stage of downloading the update, when people could not receive the promised distribution due to the unavailability of Apple services.

IOS device owners complain about incorrect work Wi-Fi, missing menu items in the settings, graphic artifacts when displaying the interface, freezing of the operating system. Among the innovations in iOS 9 are improved power consumption algorithms, but in reality the battery of gadgets loses its charge too intensively.

Probably, the subsequent updates of iOS 9 will fix these problems, but until then it makes sense to perform the downgrade procedure - rollback to the iOS 8 firmware. We are talking only about the iOS 8.4.1 version - for it Apple still issues digital signatures... It is worth remembering that the situation can change at any time.


  • iPhone or iPad running iOS 9.0.
  • IOS 8.4.1 firmware file in IPSW format.
  • iTunes 12.3 for Mac or Windows.

How to rollback from iOS 9.0 to iOS 8.4.1:

Step 1: Download the iOS 8.4.1 IPSW file from this link.

Step 2: Check what you have installed latest version iTunes. You can download iTunes 12.3.

Step 3: Make a backup of the data on the device. You can do this by going to settings in iCloud -> Backup -> Create a backup, or by connecting your iPhone or iPad to your computer and saving the backup using iTunes.

Step 4: Disable Touch ID / Password in the main settings section.

Step 5: Turn off Find My iPhone in Settings -> iCloud.

Step 6: Connect to iPhone computer or an iPad with iOS 9.0 on board to your computer.

Step 7: Open iTunes and select the icon of your gadget in the top bar of the program.

Step 8: Hold down Shift (or Alt on OS X) and click the "Restore" button.

Step 9: In the program window, specify the iOS 8.4.1 firmware file downloaded in step 1.

Step 10: Wait until the procedure is completed, the OS recovery process will take some time. Now you can use your device with iOS 8.4.1.