How to open Makovsky docx on Windows. How to open docx and doc files? Managing text documents with Quickoffice

The .docx format is text format file that works based on Office suite Open XML, which uses a compression algorithm similar to the ZIP archiver. This algorithm is what distinguishes it from its predecessor, the ".doc" format. If ".doc" is a binary text file, then ".docx" contains XML files and additional folders that compress the file and, as a result, reduce its size.

This format is relatively modern, so not everyone will be able to open it text editor... For example, if you open it, you get a mess of symbols.

About editors that allow you to open such files, and will be discussed in the article.

The ".docx" format was developed by Microsoft Corporation, which also developed the text editor. Microsoft Word... Therefore, it is logical that the company that created a particular file format will also create an editor that supports it. Therefore, ".docx" will open any version of Word starting from 2007. With more early versions it will not work. To open a file, do the following:

LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice is a multi-platform office suite for working with text, spreadsheets, presentations, and more, the first version of which was developed in 2010. Since the release date this package took place later than the creation of the ".docx" format, then support for this format was also included in the programs of this package. In particular, the LibreOffice Writer program. To open the file with this program, follow the further instructions:

On a note! There are more quick way opening a file in LibreOffice. You can simply open Explorer, find the file you want, and drag it into the startup shell. Files are dragged by pressing and holding the left mouse button.

OpenOffice Writer

OpenOffice is the main competitor to LibreOffice, so in terms of functionality it does not lag behind it. With the application provided by this package, you can also view and edit files with the ".docx" extension. The name of this application is similar to the previous one - "Writer". To open a file using it, do the following:

On a note! OpenOffice also provides the ability to quickly open files through movement.


WordPad is a built-in operating room Windows system text editor. It is often called a kind of intermediate link between Notepad and Word, since it has more features than the first editor, but less than the second. But it knows how to work with the ".docx" format, and if you want to open a file with it, then do everything as in the instructions:

On a note! WordPad is not able to work with all the functions of the ".docx" format, which you probably noticed in the last screenshot. This makes WordPad a less preferred tool for working with the format in question. The only advantage of this program over the others is that it is built into the OS by default and does not need to be downloaded and installed.


AlReader is a "reader" program that supports many formats, including ".docx". If you want to open a document with it, do everything as described below:

Other programs

Since the ".docx" format is quite popular, many programs support it, and only the most popular ones are mentioned in the article. Programs such as the following can work with this extension:

  • Caliber;
  • Universal Viewer;
  • OxygenOffice;
  • TextMaker;
  • Ability Write and many others.

After reading the article, you are unlikely to experience difficulties opening a ".docx" file, since now you know a lot of programs for working with it. Pick up the desired program necessary according to what you want to do with the document. If you just read, then it is better to choose a "reader", like AlReader, and for editing, Writer and others are suitable.

Video - How and how to open a docx file

Docx and Doc files refer to text files Microsoft programs Word. The Docx format appeared relatively recently, starting with the 2007 version. What can you say about him?

The key, perhaps, is that it allows you to compress the information in the document: because of which the file takes up less space on your hard disk (it's important who has a lot of such files and has to work with them every day). By the way, the compression ratio is pretty decent, a little less than if the Doc format were placed in a Zip archive.

In this article, I would like to cite a few alternative options than open Docx and Doc files. Moreover, Word may not always be on the computer of a friend / neighbor / friend / relative, etc.

An alternative office suite, free of charge. Easily replaces programs: Word, Excel, Power Point.

Works on both 64 bit systems and 32. Full support for the Russian language. Besides support Microsoft formats Office supports its own.

A small screenshot of the running program window:

2) Yandex disk service

Everything is very simple here. Register on Yandex, start your mail, and in addition you are given a 10 GB disk in which you can store your files. Docx and Doc files in Yandex can be easily viewed without leaving your browser.

By the way, it is also convenient that if you sit down to work at another computer, then work files will be at your fingertips.

3) Doc Reader

it special program, designed to open Docx and Doc files on computers that do not have Microsoft Word. It is convenient to carry it with you on a USB flash drive: if anything, I quickly installed it on my computer and viewed it required files... Its capabilities are enough for most tasks: view a document, print, copy something from it.

By the way, the size of the program is ridiculous: only 11 MB. Recommended for mandatory carrying with you on a flash drive, for those who often work with a PC. πŸ˜›

And this is what it looks like open document in it (a Docx file is open). Nothing has moved anywhere, everything is displayed normally. You can work!

That's all for today. Have a good day everyone ...

In this article, we'll cover three main ways to open Docx. With the release of the Microsoft Office 2007 software product, which began to use new formats for saving documents, such as .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, the questions β€œhow to open a docx file”, β€œhow to open a document with the extension .xlsx”, β€œ is it possible to open docx in word 2003 "and so on. The new document formats were built on top of Office Open XML. These formats were created to replace the old binary formats used in office suites before MO 2003. They can significantly improve the performance and security of the software product. With the advent of MO 2007, new document formats began to use the new default.

Replacing the usual doc text document format with the new docx format has caused questions of how to open a docx document for those users who, for various reasons, are still using the old version of Office. For example, many companies cannot afford to purchase a full licensing package, since this will have to cost money. And someone is just very used to Office 2003, so they do not want to install a new one on their computer. software, because learning to work on it will require a lot of time and effort. This is especially important for people who rarely work in the word program. Such users are not able to work with documents of the new format, as their software is not compatible with Office Open XML files.

The most simple solution how to open docx, is the installation of a new office suite 2007, which will be able to provide support for all new document formats. Still, you can open documents of new formats in other ways.

Older versionsOffice

If you need to open a docx document created in MO 2007. However, you still have the software package installed more than old version, you can install a compatibility pack to handle the new format. You can easily download this package on the Microsoft website and work with docx documents in peace. Also, you will be able to use full functionality programs, that is, not only open, but also create docx documents. However, this method has one significant drawback. If the file has a rather complex structure with tables and graphs, then it will not open quite correctly and with broken formatting.

Open Office

If you used Open Office to work with documents, you can use the Open XML Translator program to support the new document format with your software. When opening a document with a complex structure, which has nested tables or redundant graphics, formatting is seriously lost. Of course, the text remains readable, but it will look far from what it should. But this product is completely free and you can download it from the official site.


V recent times there are many online converter s to help you quickly solve the problem, how to open docx. This method is the simplest and will be ideal for those who do not want to install additional software on their computer. You can find such resources in a search engine by simply entering the query "online docx converter". You will be asked to select the docx file you want to convert to the old doc format. Then you need to start the converter. For some time, as a rule, it takes no more than a minute, you will receive a link where your text will be placed in the old doc format, and you can easily work with it in Office 2003.

Now you know how to open docx without updating the software and without spending a lot of effort and money. Of course, the new format has a number of significant advantages, but do not despair if you do not have the opportunity to install on your Microsoft computer Office 2007. Successful work for you!

Modern tablets and smartphones are increasingly used not only as dialers and gaming gadgets, but are also indispensable helpers in work and study. They allow you to record lecture material, view office documents, keep records and much more. These tasks cannot be completed without a full-fledged editor on the device that can work with text DOC files and DOCX. Therefore, every user of mobile devices should know how to open DOC and DOCX format on Android.

Programs for opening and changing text documents

DOC is considered to be the most popular text file extension. Its introduction into many spheres of life gave impetus to the development of software that can open and edit the specified format on Android. And to date, many effective programs have been created that successfully cope with the task.

The most demanded mobile applications that allow you to work with documents such as DOC and DOCX are:

  • Quickoffice;
  • MS Word;
  • Office Suite.

Managing text documents with Quickoffice

This program for opening DOC on Android is one of the developments of the Google corporation. It is freely available, that is, if necessary, it can be downloaded for free from Play Market, and comes pre-installed on many mobile devices.

Quickoffice is endowed with extensive editorial capabilities. Among its many tools, the following should be highlighted:

  • creation, reading and editing of files in DOC, DOCX, XLS, TXT, etc .;
  • viewing information with the PDF extension;
  • work with data recorded on Google virtual storage;
  • sending files by email.

A significant advantage of Quickoffice is its full compatibility with cloud service Google. This allows you to record documents on virtual disk and work with them remotely on any device, be it PC, Android or iPhone. At the same time, each user is provided with 15 GB of free space, which is more than enough for everyday tasks.

Let's take a look at how to open a DOC file on Android via Quickoffice:

After creating a new one or opening an old one text file on the screen mobile device the numeric keypad for typing appears. Using the toolbar, you can size and change the style of symbols.

To save the typed text, you should click on the floppy disk, and then specify a name and specify the extension of the created file. You can also open an existing document with Quickoffice. To do this, call the program settings, click Open and specify the path to the required file.

Opening and modifying DOC documents via Microsoft Word

Another popular text editor for Android devices is the well-known utility Microsoft Word. Her mobile version has an interface similar to a PC program and all the functionality required for convenient work with DOC and DOCX files.

The main advantages of MS Word for Android are:

  • intuitive control that even a novice user can figure out;
  • the ability to add tables, charts, shapes, SmartArt, etc to documents;
  • writing a file to a virtual disk, which can be DropBox, Share Point, OneDrive or Google;
  • synchronization of the program on several devices, which allows you to work with one document from different places;
  • automatic adaptation of the page to any screen diagonal.

It should be noted that for a stable Microsoft work Word smartphone or tablet specifications must meet the following requirements:

  • RAM - more than 1000 MB;
  • 150 MB of free space on internal map memory;
  • operating system version not lower than Android 4.4.

Office Suite for Android

Considering what DOCX is and how to open it on Android this format, you should also highlight the Office Suite program, which also takes pride of place among mobile text file editors.

It is clear that the easiest way is to use modern Microsoft Office, there is Word program... For example, Word 2010 (however, in Word 2007 it is also possible to open a file with the docx extension). However, not everyone has access to a modern office. In addition, a number of users (including us) simply do not want to move to a new office. Firstly, you need to buy it (well, or take it somewhere, but let's not talk about it; because we ourselves try to use either free, or self-written, or licensed programs).

Secondly, it is necessary to rebuild, because there, after all, something has been done differently; it takes effort, time, and also introduces an element of destabilization in the process of working on a computer. And why, if the old office is COMPLETELY satisfied, except for the impossibility to open files like docx?

Thirdly, some macros, as well as programs written to automate routine operations in VBA (and we need it like air, because the flow of orders for diploma, term papers, dissertations and similar works is very large and therefore doing routine operations in texts manually is a completely unacceptable waste of time), may not work, i.e. you will need to rewrite them for a new office. Which will lead to a waste of effort and time, which, no doubt, is better spent on more useful things, for example, speeding up the execution of work for our customers.

Fourth, the office needs to be installed (which, again, will take time, albeit a little).

Thus, if there is no special need to use a new office (for example, to gain access to new VBA functions that were absent in the old office, if these functions were urgently needed), switch to it only to try out the "new" - this is far from the best practice. Agree, the new should somehow improve life, and not, on the contrary, introduce difficulties and imbalances into it. That is why, by the way, we are in no hurry to use the LINUX system professionally. (no doubt an excellent operating system, but still unfinished, take at least , even Fedora or even Linux XP).

So what to do if you need to open Word file type docx, and the existing office does not allow this (or does not open at all, or performs an illegal operation and abnormally closes)?

As an alternative to Word, there is, of course, the well-known OpenOffice, focused on OS LINUX. However, this method has disadvantages. Note that, of course, you can open a file with the extension docx, for example, in Linux (by running it in virtual machine if your main system is Windows or something other than LINUX) and then transfer the text to Word of the version that is installed on your computer. However, first of all, this is not very convenient, because, at least, it causes the need for unnecessary actions. Secondly, not all text elements will be transferred correctly in this case (and in a number of Linux systems, you will also need to work on setting up the clipboard; we repeat, these systems are incomplete - each in its own way, one might say so). In addition, we have observed cases when, after opening a Word file in Linux system(with the help of an appropriate editor) the latter ceased to open correctly in Word.

However, it is possible to install OpenOffice under Windows (at least on Windows 7 it installs and works without problems). If a sufficiently recent version is installed, files with the .docx extension will open without problems. True, working directly in OpenOffice is somewhat less convenient than in Word. In addition, compared to the latter, OpenOffice lacks a number of special features. Therefore, if, after opening the file, you save it in the format of the old Word (in the .doc or .rtf format), then later this file can be opened in Word. True, with such a preservation, some of the capabilities may be lost, so the resulting file should be carefully viewed. In principle, this method is one of the simplest. The only thing is that you need to install OpenOffice on your computer.

Docx to doc converter

By the way, such a file converter docx works great not only in Word 2003, but even in Word97 (which, oddly enough, is not guaranteed even by the manufacturer itself). The size of the converter installation file from docx in doc is 37.1 MB ( as of June 10, 2015).

Although, oddly enough, it is in Word97 that this converter works ... better. For it is able to open even such files with the .docx extension, which, for example, cannot be opened in Word2003, causing an error.

Installing the converter is simple. After making sure that Microsoft Office of one version or another is already installed on the computer, we launch the installation file of the FileFormatConverters.exe converter. We agree with the license agreement - and after a short time the converter will be installed on the computer.

Further, if there is a need to open a file with the extension docx, we act as usual: we double-click on it with the mouse (or press the Enter key). After the file, after conversion, opens - it can be saved in the desired format. For example, you can save it as a regular word document. To do this, select save as, specify the file type: word document, click save. In this case, the file will be saved with the same name and doc extension - in the format of exactly that Microsoft versions Word, which is installed on your computer. By the way, after installing the converter, the opposite option will appear - to save a doc or rtf file in docx format.

By clicking on the Browse button, we find on our computer a file with the extension docx, which needs to be converted into a doc form, then press the Send button. However, if the file is large, then the conversion will take some time. Big time.

Google Docs, Office Web Apps

Google docs and Microsoft Web Apps are capable of working with a file in the format docx... After uploading the file to Google Docs or Office Web Apps, it will be possible to work with it on the Internet. In this case, it will be possible to edit it, save it in other formats you need. True, for this you need to have accounts with Google or Microsoft Live ID, having previously registered there. But it is not difficult, it does not take much time.

However, the problem is also that the speed of outgoing traffic (i.e. sending a file) is usually much lower than the download speed. Therefore, sending the file may take a long time. In addition, the time of the conversion itself will also affect. In this connection online services may be suitable for opening only small format files docx.

So the conclusion. In our opinion, in the overwhelming majority of cases, when working with old Word, the most convenient way to open a file docx- is to tell the program-converter from Microsoft and install it on your computer. Unless, of course, the volume of 37.1 MB it occupies is not critical. Although, with modern containers hard drives, equal, at least, at least 500 GB, or even more, this is probably not so important. By the way, this converter will give you the opportunity to save the file not only in the native format of your Word, but also as Word document 2007, including support for macros. True, we do not know whether macros written for the old Microsoft Office will work there. But this can be verified.

Alternatively, you can use open office OpenOffice.

Best regards to you.